Why should your daughter join Chi Omega Rho?
We know that the stereotypical sororities have a bad reputation. However, Chi Omega Rho is profoundly different. Here are some ways that we stand out amongst our peers:
- Our sisters demonstrate strong leadership skills, which we not only look for in new members, but continue to strengthen as active members. Being a member helps attribute to the "Leaders in the Making" slogan that LTU demonstrates.
- We have a very active presence on campus. Many of our girls are also involved in many other social and professional organizations on campus. These may include SPAM, AIAS, ASCE, IIDA, Society of Women Engineers, National Society of Leadership and Success, Varsity Women's Volleyball, DEMI (Dance), STAG, LTU Scholars, Habitat for Humanity and many many more!
- Our sisters maintain high GPA's. To be active in our sorority, we require that you maintain at least a 2.00 GPA, but our average sorority GPA is 3.24, and our Fall 2019 average is 3.32.
- Our sisters have professional careers. Most of our sisters are already working in their major's career field, and can act as mentors to new members or other students. We have study meetings and give out awards to highest and most improved GPA. Our alumni also keep in contact with us, informing us of great job opportunities that they have!
- We conduct regular business meetings to manage our money, time, and accomplishments. This helps us to be extremely organized and goal oriented, with the means to achieve our goals.
- We participate in several Charity functions. The main organizations we support are the Breast Cancer Foundation, Ronald McDonald House, the DMC Children's Hospital, and Relay for Life. We enjoy and look forward to helping our community and those in need.
- We strongly oppose hazing, in fact, it is illegal. For more information on hazing, check out www.stophazing.org.
Parent Commentary
Katja Nuler and her parents, Karen and Kurt Nuler
“Chi Omega Rho helped develop Katja into a strong, confident woman. The experience in the sorority will benefit her for years to come.” Anna Schultz and her mother, Patti Schultz
"I'm happy Anna is involved in this outgoing group of ladies. It has definitely been a positive experience for her." Angela Shekell & her mother Diane Shekell
"I am SO VERY PROUD of you! Giving back to the community has always been very important to our family. Since Angie became a Chi Omega Rho member, she has told me about the many different charities where the girls offer their skills to help out—Gleaner's, the Ronald McDonald House and the Breast Cancer Run to name a few. I am so happy and proud that she has become the Charity Chair of the sorority this year! Along with helping the community, she will also be using and strengthening her organizational skills. Chi Omega Rho keeps her very busy and what she is learning from the sorority now will last her a lifetime!" Ariana Strieter & her parents, Gary & Sarah Strieter
"Being part of Chi Omega Rho has transformed Ariana; she possesses self-confidence and a sincere connection with each one of her sisters. Something that has impressed my wife and I the most is how much Ariana has grown as a person while being a member of this Sorority. She is so excited to be part of a group that gives so much to the community. Ariana is very proud to be part of the giving of Scholarships to individuals deserving of them in order to start their academic careers at LTU. She also works hard (and has her family busy, too) collecting pop can tabs to be turned in for money to help out the Ronald McDonald House. All in all, Ariana's dedication to giving to others has been greatly enhanced by the experience of being a member of Chi Omega Rho." Nicole Gerou & her mother, Lisa Coombs-Gerou
“Being a member of Chi Omega Rho helped Nicole make a successful transition from high school to college. During her second year in the sorority Nicole was chosen to be Scholastic Chair; this experience helped her realize she can do well in her classes and her confidence in her abilities was greatly enhanced. Confidence, standing up for herself and tackling the hard tasks are all things Nicole has developed as a result of being in Chi Omega Rho." |
Beth Biernacki & her mother, Nancy Biernacki
"I love how each sister looks out for each other. Being a part of Chi Omega Rho brings out the confidence in each young woman that will help them with their future endeavors. They become life long friends." Brianna Staton and her mother, Vickie Staton
"It's given her a sense of sisterhood and responsibility. It has also encouraged her to stay away from bad influences." Hanna Matievich & her mother, Della Matievich
"When my daughter told me she was joining a sorority, I was indeed skeptical. It brought to mind numerous stereotypical views of sororities in general. But Chi Omega Rho has proven to be different in my perspective. It impressed me that the sorority members had a luncheon for their parents. At this luncheon, I was able to meet these capable young women and was able to inquire about their group activities and purposes. My daughter has been an active group member by planning and participating in multiple philanthropic activities. I believe she has gained positive life experiences which reach beyond just pure academics. I am quite pleased that my daughter has joined Chi Omega Rho." Elizabeth Gildea & her mother, Candy Gildea
"I am so excited for Liz. She's grown so much at LTU and I think a large contributing factor to her growth is Chi Omega Rho. All the girls are so poised, involved, and giving. Keep it up!" Ariella Brunk & her parents, David & Donna Brunk
"We feel it has helped our daughter make connections with others and has helped her increase her ability to work with others. It has increased her confidence as well." Katelyn Fortin & her mother, Peggy Fortin
"I am grateful of my daughter's involvement within Chi Omega Rho sorority. It is with this involvement and association that I believe has helped empower my once quiet and reserved little girl into an assertive, appropriately vocal, young lady. I am also grateful for the friendships that this Sorority has enabled her to have. The empowerment and friendships are priceless! Thank You Chi Omega Rho." |